If you’re over 40 (and sometimes in your 30's), you may be in perimenopause, menopause, or post menopause.

Perimenopause can start about 8-10 years before you actually go through menopause (which is actually just one day when you haven’t had a period for a year). Women often aren’t even aware that they’re in perimenopause. It kind of creeps up on you. You just start feeling not quite like yourself.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • hot flashes

  • mood swings

  • night sweats

  • vaginal dryness

  • difficulty sleeping

  • changes in sex drive

  • trouble concentrating

  • hair loss

  • fast heart rate

  • urinary tract problems

  • irregular periods

  • loss of confidence

  • anxiety

  • weight gain (especially around your stomach)

….you may be in perimenopause.

If you haven’t had a period for a year, you’re through the menopause, and are considered postmenopausal.

The average age of a woman in the UK having her last period is 51.

Symptoms can occur before, during or after this point, whether or not you are having your periods.

Whatever stage you’re at, this can be a hugely challenging and distressing time for a lot of women, whilst other women seem to sail through the menopause.

If you’re one of the many women struggling through menopause, this isn’t helped by the fact that it’s still a slightly taboo subject, and still has negative connotations attached to it like ‘being all dried up’, a sign of being ‘old’, and whether you’ve had children or not, the sense that your biological purpose for being on the planet, i.e. to reproduce, is now over…

So we need to create a new menopause mindset…

It’s not the end of your purpose in life, it’s the beginning of a new one!

Think of the things you won’t have to deal with anymore:

  • No more periods… yay!

  • No more worrying about contraception... yay!

  • If you’ve had children, they’re probably older or have even left home, leaving more time for you to concentrate on yourself.

And you have 40, 50, 60+ years of experience and wisdom under your belt, and there are no limits to what you can do with that... the world is your oyster!

Some things to try…

  • Self Appreciation - Take a few moments to think about how blooming amazing our bodies are, what they can do, and all they’ve been through already! Be grateful for your body, give it a break…. a few parts of it may be winding down, but that leaves energy for other things now. Congratulate it for all it has already done for you over the years.

  • Find Your Passions - What do you want to do with the next chapter of your life? What are you curious about? Interested in? What have you always wanted to try? What excites you? What dreams do you have? However big or small, take some time to explore and answer these questions.

  • Build Your Confidence - Menopause can really lower your confidence levels. Learning to love yourself and your body is the start of building your confidence back up.

  • Be Mindful - When symptoms flare up, be aware that your body is just adjusting. Take 10 deep breaths, let it happen, stay calm, step outside yourself and watch. Know that it’s ok, it’s normal, and most of all…

Know that you are not alone… Millions of women around the world are going through the same thing…

Don’t let the M-word crush those fabulous, sexy, sassy, spirits we all have inside of us…

Embrace your amazing body, your amazing self, in this new chapter of your life, and go kick ass in whatever you want to do.

Remember if you need extra support and guidance through the menopause sign up to our mailing list and ...


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Please don't suffer through the menopause alone. Millions of women are feeling the same way. 

See you in the next blog post,

Sara & Dr. Clare
