Don't Stop Playing! Laughter, Movement, and Freedom Await You Beyond Menopause

Keep playing to keep your spirits up through the menopause

Forget the idea that menopause means slowing down and settling in!

George Bernard Shaw had it right: "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing!"

I had a post dinner football kick around with my daughter, brother and nephew the other night. It was just such joyful fun to run around, laughing, sweating, and (having a bit of a competitive nature) trying to win the game!

(Plus it's a great way to get some movement in after a meal to lower the blood sugar spike!)

We've decided to get together every week for a 'game' whilst the lighter evenings permit!

I'm so lucky to have my family living near me - I know not everyone can do that, or would want to kick a ball around, but are you still playing and having fun in some way??

Remember that playful spirit from your youth? Menopause doesn’t have to steal it…..

This next chapter of our lives doesn't mean forgetting that sassy chick....

What if we could reframe those expectations of slowing down as we get older, and embrace the freedom that allows us to try new things, or pick up things we dropped years ago as 'adult' responsibilities piled up?

Instead of slowing down, what happens if you speed up that fun? Schedule a dance class with girlfriends, dust off those roller skates, join a netball team, start wild swimming, or try a new sport you've always been curious about.

Now, of course, if you’re feeling exhausted, and really struggling with menopause symptoms, you may not feel like doing any of that. But how about starting with something as simple as finding a beautiful place to take a gentle walk….

This simple act will boost your happy hormones and reduce your stress levels, which is a wonderful place to start…..

Life throws curveballs, but it also throws open doors to rediscover the joy of movement and laughter. So, crank up the music, put on your brightest smile, and explore ways to keep playing - include your partner and/or kids too.....

Let's fill our weeks with activities that make us laugh, move, and feel alive ;-)

Have a playful day!

Sara x


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